TOTAL BODY WORKOUT STRETCHING Stretching increases flexibility in the joint structures, tendons, ligaments and muscles. This flexibility is essential in preventing tears and other injuries in these areas. Always stretch before a workout. UPPER BODY STRETCH 1. TWO-PERSON CHEST STRETCH This is a great way to warm up your chest and biceps. You'll need a partner. LOWER BODY STRETCHES 1. ITB STRETCH This stretch is great for loosening a tight lower back and for stretching the ITB (iliotibial) tendon, which runs from your hip to your knee. 2. COBRA STRETCH This stretch is great for loosening a tight lower back. UPPER BODY WORKOUT Except for the abdominal area, you will see the quickest results of the workout in the upper body. The secret to TBW's Upper Body Workout is the Pyramid System (ascending repetitions, followed by corresponding descending repetitions). 1. PULL-UPS Pull-ups concentrate work on the traps, delts and lats. Navy SEALs are famous for their incredible upper back development. Pull-ups are a large part of the reason why. 2. DIAMOND PUSH-UP Push-ups in general work the delts, pecs, biceps and triceps. The Diamond Push-up focuses on the triceps. 3. DIVE BOMBER The Dive Bomber concentrates energy on the delts. LOWER BODY WORKOUT Excellent form in lower body exercises is crucial to maintaining a healthy back. Done properly, these exercises will work your abs into excellent condition. 1. OBLIQUE The Total Body Workout gives you the proper technique for this stomach-hardening exercise. 2. HELEN KELLER This exercise requires a lot of practice to be totally efficient. Balance and control are especially important.